It is known Artificial Intelligence is used more by Generation Z (Gen Z) compared to any other generation. The oldest Gen Z are now between the ages 18-23 and is entering the workforce in huge numbers. They are already altering the driving digital recruiting and career recruitment trends with career recruitments being driven with virtual interviews.

It is also noted that “97% of Gen Z are using some type of video streaming platform in a typical week, and 30% of Gen Z say they spend most of their time outside of work or school watching streaming movies and shows. YouTube, Netflix, Spotify, and Hulu are the top digital entertainment destinations for Gen Z in 2019 in the U.S.” These character traits are only going to get stronger with this generation and future generations.

So, how do we work with this generation and how do we close the generation gap between them and the millennium and baby boomers? It is without a doubt we market to the demand of the generation that are growing the fastest and the most futuristic generation. Therefore, we are required to develop our human capital building and leadership development curriculum to that of Gen Z and the generation coming after Gen Z.

The first step is for C-suite executives to be trained with the framework for understanding this Generation, and as narrated in the Center For Generational Kinetics, “Gen Z is driving a new normal affecting everything they influence as they further enter adulthood. They’re already creating the trends that ripple up and affect the behaviors and preferences of older generations around the world. In fact, the change, challenge, and opportunity Gen Z brings is only just beginning…”

Therefore, exploring this generation work desires and personal interests, and to seriously think about their personal investment will benefit corporation’s bottom-line dollar. As Dr. Andy Chan, Vice President of Personal and Development from Wake Forest University would say that it is important to understand this generation by asking a simple question, “Who am I and who do I want to be?” Understanding Gen Z personal interest will help understand that creating a Career Pathway Initiative: Closing the Generation Gap curriculum will build an congruent and successful accomplishment through many levels of competencies: Critical Thinking/ Problem Solving/ Humanism Intelligence, Professionalism/ Work Ethic & Career Management, and Teamwork/ Collaborations & Leadership teamwork,

If we are to maintain strength in the 21st century workplace, we are to create diversity training and build essential strategies designed for closing this generation gap so you won’t have generational gap burn out, and instead improve employee satisfaction and retention rates, catering to the future generation an obligation.

It is an obligation to create an workplace environment that will help generations work together to feel valued and appreciated among one another – understanding the different communication style and needs to ensure collaboration within the company. To recognize the critical need to develop a high-level personality for building unity and to ensure the communication and the necessary skills to deliver outstanding service are paramount!

As well as a curriculum that will identify the most typical disruptive behaviors among different generations and key strategies to address situations in a proactive, positive, and safe experience into a successful outcome developing an outcome that will improve and manage challenging situations – reducing the occurrence of generational gaps and improving service and overall operations – improving the bottom-line.

About the Author

Darryl K. Johnson, M.Ed., began his executive career in higher education where he received the recognition of “Who’s Who” among Higher Educators.  He frequently spoke at corporations, high schools, colleges, and universities on career development and human capital-building and, public sector events on talent management, chief knowledge management, and excellent customer services strategies. He is presently serving as Chief Executive Office and Owner of DKJ Consulting Group, LLC. He is preparing students the career pathway and framing the new generation for the 21st century workforce.